Outside Lands GPS Drone Survey

Outside Lands GPS Drone Survey – San Francisco – Golden Gate Park


Complete High-Tech drawings and data

Brungardt Enterprises has provided the CAD services for the Outside Lands Festival since its inception in 2008.  To maintain the capacity needed for the main stage, the backstage area on this festival is very tight.  The layout of the dressing room compound, administrative trailers and all the necessary elements behind the main stage leaves little room for any errors. As a result, Outside Lands has us do a GPS Drone survey and yearly Drone image as-builts.  Each year’s new layout has the precision of matching the previous year’s as-built conditions.  It also has high resolution to scale images for reference throughout the drawing.  In addition to our yearly Drafting, and Drone services, we provide a GPS staking of all trailers, tents, and elements backstage of the main stage as well as complete staking of the main venue and several areas throughout the festival.  Since the entire park is not accessible to the festival for setup all at once, many markings must be painted, or layouts generated with dimensions from existing reference points.  By using this service several days have been saved during the load-in and set-up process each year.

Watch the GPS Drone Survey videos on our YouTube Channel: Click on this text.

General Festival drafting

Brungardt Enterprises completes to scale drawings of festival sites, placing accurate stage, tent, trailer and other elements throughout the site.  When an existing CAD background exists, we clean it up and utilize it as our background, making and necessary changes as needed.  When there is no existing background, Brungardt Enterprises can do a GPS Drone survey to collect the necessary data to complete the background, or if the budget doesn’t exist for that service, we utilize satellite imaging to develop a CAD background.


For more information:

Brungardt Enterprises, LLC

Toll Free:  888-740-2223



Email:  info@b-ent.com

Click here to visit our YouTube Channel!


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